Truck and tanker

Hydrogen as a vehicle fuel is mainly transported in trucks or tankers to those who will use it. Transporting the hydrogen in pipes is cost effective depending on the distance. Read more about permits to lay pipelines.


It is also possible to place an electrolyser near the gas station that produces hydrogen from electricity and water.


Transporting the hydrogen in pipes is cost effective depending on the distance. When you need to transport larger quantities of hydrogen between fixed points, it is suitable to transport in pipelines. In Sweden, pipelines are only used in industrial areas, but in Northern France and Benelux, among others, pipelines are used to a large extent to transport hydrogen. Several projects have been initiated to promote the expansion of pipelines in Europe, including the “Hydrogen backbone” initiative.

Energy conversion

To turn hydrogen into electricity or heat, it needs to be converted in a fuel cell, internal combustion engine or gas turbine. The fuel cell has a high efficiency of approximately 60 – 70 %.